The Constiution below was adopted at the first meeting of the group on the 20th day of October 2008.
To raise funds for the preservation, maintenance, repair and development of the Kilmodan and Colintraive Church buildings.
Membership shall be open to all.
A chairperson, secretary, treasurer along with four members will form the committee.
• All members will have one vote and the chairperson a casting vote;
• Meetings shall be held from time to time as required;
• The quorum for meetings shall be three;
• The chairperson shall be the minister of the congregation of Kilmodan and Colintraive Church.
• The secretary and treasurer will serve for up to three years and may be elected for a further three year period.
The committee shall have the powers to raise funds and operate a bank account(s) in the name of the Friends of Kilmodan and Colintraive.
• All cheques should be signed by two signatories;
• The financial year shall run from 1st January to 31st December
• Accounts will be kept and be subject to independent examination
• A financial statement shall be presented at the Annual General Meeting.
Annual General Meeting:
An Annual General Meeting shall be held once a year
• At the first such meeting the members of the committee will be elected.
Should the group be dissolved any assets shall be transferred to the Kirk Session of the congregation of Kilmodan and Colintraive Church.
Alterations to the Constitution:
Any alterations to this constitution shall be made at an Annual General Meeting with the agreement of two thirds of the members present.